Welcome to the second Black Eight Newsletter.
- Yarlington Manor Farm
Further to the site meeting in September we sent a detailed letter of objection to all interested parties, including planners. Although the proposal still remains at a pre-planning stage, our intention is to make everyone, particularly those making any decisions about the plans, aware of the unwarranted nature of the proposals.
We believe there is no overwhelming agricultural business requirement for the new farm and are in consultation with experts to provide evidence to support our case.
- Lily Farm, Shepton Montague
This planning proposal from Emily Estate has been rejected by Shepton Montague Parish Council on grounds regarding flood prevention, but opposition this development is more wide-ranging.
Heritage groups are opposing the development of the farm which includes the Grade 2 listed farmhouse.
The CPRE has written to object on the grounds of Local Plan Policy EP5: Farm Diversification which states that any diversification of farm business would require ‘delicate management’. It is the CRPE’s view (and ours) that developing Lily farm as a concentrated group of holiday lets contravenes the requirement for delicate management of buildings in a small village such as Shepton Montague.
Why is opposition to Lily Farm important?
The development of holiday lets appears to be an increasing element in Emily Estate’s plans. Building holiday lets reduces the number of residential properties for locals and the inevitable diminution of villages and rural life in the communities surrounding The Newt.
If Lily Farm can be blocked, it will increase the chances of stopping the re-development of Yarlington Manor and the building of the New Manor Farm on Black Eight Acres.
- Co-ordination between Parish Councils
At a meeting of Pitcombe Parish Council on 14th November, agreement was reached on greater co-operation and sharing of information between the Parish Councils of Pitcombe, Shepton Montague and North Cadbury with regard to planning applications from Emily Estate.
This is a welcome development as planning applications in one parish often have a great effect on neighbouring parishes. The bridge above Avalon Farm is a prime example. Although it is in the parish of Pitcombe, the bridge is most impactful on the residents of Galhampton.
- Community Liasion Officer & Village Steward
The Newt has advertised for the above positions to improve communication with local groups. We hope that this will prove to be a positive step towards engagement with the community and we will work to ensure that there is genuine co-operation, with the good health of local rural life at its core.
With The Newt’s PR machine continuing to produce reams of manicured words and pictures to paint their self-congratulatory vision of a bucolic heaven on earth, it is important that we remain committed to getting the message out that a lot of this development is having a negative effect on local life and is not as sustainable and regenerative as they would have its readers believe.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year
From all of us at Black Eight