Greetings from Black Eight
There has been little news regarding Emily Estate’s proposal to build a new farm at Black Eight Acres and convert Yarlington Manor Farm into residential accommodation for letting, but we continue to closely monitor developments that might affect our local area and community.
- Yarlington Farm
We are continuing to provide information and views to the local planning committee to counter development on Black Eight Acres and to ensure the local community’s voice is heard. We understand that Emily Estates are continuing their pre-planning consultations regarding the Black Eight Acres site. We are gathering information and consulting experts to ensure that, should a formal planning application be submitted, then we are able to make a persuasive case against the proposed new farm.
- Lily Farm – Shepton Montague
Emily Estate’s plans to convert this farm into holiday lets and expand the development to include a restaurant were turned down by Shepton Montague Parish Council.
Emily Estate assured Shepton Montague PC that they would advise the PC of details of any amendments to their application prior to re-submission to Somerset planning. They did not fulfil this promise. They have now re-submitted plans with numerous amendments.
At the latest Shepton Montague PC meeting, there was heated debate over the issue.
Shepton Montague PC have objected to these further amendments, awaiting the outcome of the flooding mitigation report.
Please note that third party representations already submitted on the original application 23/02318/LBC will remain on record. Nevertheless, as amendments have since been submitted, third parties are invited to submit further individual representations regarding the amendments. No further comment results in assumed acceptance of the amendments.
- Community Liaison Officer and Village Steward
Emily Estate has now appointed to the above positions, and we remain hopeful that the Liaison Officer Zoe Young will be able to work with surrounding villages to ensure that Emily Estate’s development does not threaten to harm our rural communities or cherished environment.
Zoe’s role is to work alongside the community and to address any issues or concerns that may arise relating to the Emily Estate. She can be contacted via email at and will attend parish council meetings.
The village Steward is Robert Askew who will be walking the footpaths across the Estate looking for issues and will take on maintenance. He can be made aware of concerns locals may have via Zoe at the email address above.
- Road closures for Bridge A359
Dependent on weather conditions, Galhampton Hill will be close on Friday March 15th from 9am – 8pm to allow installation of the bridge over the A359 by Emily Estate to allow access for them from Avalon Farm to Manor Farm, Castle Cary (also known as Castle Farm).
This bridge is an example of how Emily Estate were able to get planning permission through quickly with little opposition. Although the bridge will be situated in the parish of Pitcombe, the visual impact will be on residents of North Cadbury and Castle Cary Parishes, the councils of which were not included in the planning process.
It should be noted that since Black8 began its campaign, we are seeing far more co-operation and sharing of information and concerns between the parishes of North Cadbury, Pitcombe, Shepton Montague and Caste Cary which is fantastic and necessary when the Emily Estate straddles all of these parishes and the impact it is having on the local communities is mutual.
When the bridge is installed, it may provide an example of Emily Estate’s idea of necessary and sympathetic development in rural Somerset. The pre-application plans for the green-field site at Black Eight Acres is worth a second look.
- Yellow brick roads
Emily Estate continues its quest to build roads in its House Style, akin to The Wizard of Oz. We will leave it to you to decide who can be playing any of the Wicked Witches, lions, tin men or scare crows. Anyone with a brain? A heart? Courage?
We attach a picture of the road construction along Lodge Hill for illustration.

- A review
We were amused to read the review of The Newt by Tanya Gold, the restaurant critic of The Spectator 24th February 2024. Please see a link to the article below, which can be read in full if you sign up (one month free, then cancel for no cost), or find someone who subscribes. The article is titled “You can stare at a cow you will soon eat: The Newt, Hadspen, Reviewed.”
It seems not everyone is taken in by the Newt’s impressive PR machine.
- “The bench”
For anyone who has had the privilege to walk down the ancient avenue starting across the A371 from Hadspen House, they will understand the sentiment of one of the recent posts from the Newt:

The view from the bench is indeed beautiful, on occasion, stunning.

Imagine it with a new, extraordinary, modern, farm interrupting the bucolic serenity….

I doubt anyone would enjoy tasting their “cyder” at their private picnic then?